
Create color palettes

Get color from an image

Convert Image to Grayscale

SVG Files

Free SVG Images & Icons

Edit SVGs

Convert SVG to PNG

To scale SVG images without becoming blurry, check the box “Preserve Vector Data” in the image inspector.

Creating App Store Images

You can add up to 10 screenshots and 3 previews (videos) of your app for the app store.

To take a screenshot of your device with Xcode, run the app, then select Debug->View Debugging->Take Screenshot of ***’s iPhone. The screenshot will save to your desktop.

Use the screenshots with the App Store Screenshot Generator to create the images for the app store.

Use screen recording on the iPhone to record your preview.

Tab Bar Images

Tab bar images can be a system or custom image.

To use a custom image, you need 3 files: a 25x25, 50x50, and 75x75 pixel png file. Create a new image set with the three files in your “Assets” folder and save as “ImageName”.

@State private var selection = 0

TabView(selection: $selection) {
    .tabItem {
        Label("Tab Label", image: "ImageName")

To have the images gray out, convert the image to gray then create the 3 files (25x25, 50x50, 75x75). Create a new image set and save as “ImageNameGray”.

@State private var selection = 0

TabView(selection: $selection) {
    .tabItem {
        Label("Tab Label", image: selection == 1 ? "ImageName" : "ImageNameGray")